SiteVela Unique Creation - Biographic
- In-depth research and concept building
- High quality graphic design
- Interesting copy
- Uncountable updates till perfection

No Revisions
Editable .Ai Design Files
Time frame: A few days or less.
File Format: Ai, jpg, pdf, png, psd, ppt.
what the graphic should convey.
Description: A small, single graphic to fit in a 1/4 page or smaller space.
Content criteria: Final, edited, approved content provided by client as well as a description of
Lower cost variation: Simple, easy icon or graphic.
Higher cost variation: Combining text with a custom created graphic like a small infographic.
Important considerations: Be sure to specify where you are using the graphic or if there are
Important style or color factors. It also helps to have a sample of one you like for style or a
specific idea of what kind of graphic youre looking for.
1 Revision Included
Editable .Ai Design Files
File Format: Ai, jpg, pdf, png, psd, ppt.
Time frame: 1 week or less.
Description: Custom created graphic, illustration or small infographic.
Content criteria: Final, edited, approved content provided by client. Simple description of what you want the graphic to convey.
Lower cost variation: A more simple graphic with little to no text.
Higher cost variation: More graphic pieces or detail and more text as a small infographic. Multiple edits.
Important considerations: Use simple, easy to read data points, titles or subtitles. Be specific when describing what you;re trying to convey. Be sure to specify where you are using the graphic or if there are important style or color factors. It's helpful to have a sketch, power-point layout or something to help provide a general idea.
2 Revision Included
Editable .Ai Design Files
File Format: Ai, jpg, pdf, png, psd, ppt.
Time frame: 1 week.
Description: Themed, vertical, static, stacked graphic (stacked bricks of data). 'Typical infographic'.
A 'brick' is one section of content, text, or data along with it's created infographic companion part.
Content criteria: Final, edited, approved content provided by client. Commonly a series of a few Powerpoint slides to show what each section's info is. Can be created as a text or Word document to spell out the content/data. Typically, one stacked brick of data is what comfortably fits on one Powerpoint slide.
for a basic 4 brick stack
₹ 2500 per additional brick.
Lower cost variation: Lower cost for reduced bricks, less data, simpler graphic.
Higher cost variation: Additional cost for more bricks, more elaborate graphics, extensive changes, and for additional creative mockups
Important considerations: Simple, clean, easy-to-read data points. Be sure all data is reviewed by client and internal proofreading sources prior to graphic development to avoid additional charges. Establish a theme early on; For example, computers in the modern age' might be turned into a theme like the computer "universe" in a modern age' and the graphic is created with a universe' theme (drawing) with the data arranged around that in a more fun, engaging way.
2 Revisions
Editable .Ai Design Files
File Format: Ai, jpg, pdf, png, psd, ppt.
Time frame: 1 week
Description: A themed small (approx. letter sized) graphic. Has about 4-8 simple data pieces, and one large primary graphic with data.
Content criteria: Final, edited, approved content provided by client, helpful to have a basic sketch layout of how the content might layout on a page so you can see what parts you have on the graphic.
Lower cost variation: Lower cost for a simpler graphic with fewer data points.
Higher cost variation: Multiple pieces of data, more graphics on the page, more intense/detailed graphics, and for additional creative mockups.
Important considerations: Simple, clean, easy-to-read data points. Be sure all data is reviewed by client and internal proofreading sources prior to graphic development to avoid additional charges. Can be created as a text or Word document to spell out the content/data.
3 Revisions
Editable .Ai Design Files
File Format: Ai, jpg, pdf, png, psd, ppt.
Time frame: 1 - 2 weeks.
Description: A large themed poster filled with multiple data points, information, or graphics.
Content criteria: Final, edited, approved content provided by client, helpful to have a basic sketch layout of how the content might layout on a page so you can see what parts you have on the graphic.
Lower cost variation: Lower cost for reduced number of data points or minimal custom graphic creation.
Higher cost variation: Multiple pieces of data, more graphics on the page, more intense/detailed graphics, and for additional creative mockups.
Important considerations: Simple, clean, easy-to-read data points. Be sure all data is reviewed by client and internal proofreading sources prior to graphic development to avoid additional charges. Can be created as a text or Word document to spell out the content/data.
3 Revisions
Editable .Ai Design Files
File Format: Ai, jpg, pdf, png, psd, ppt.
Time frame: 1 week
Description: A high resolution graphic that has interactive elements to it (rollover effects, hyperlinks, pop up graphics, etc...). It's like a small infographic poster with interactive elements on it.
Content criteria: Final, edited, approved content provided by client
Lower cost variation: Lower cost for reduced bricks, less data, simpler graphic.
Higher cost variation: Additional cost for more bricks, additional extensive graphic changes, and for additional creative mockups
Important considerations: Simple, clean, easy-to-read data points. Be sure all data is reviewed by client and internal proofreading sources prior to graphic development to avoid additional charges. Important to design what will pop up, what it says, how it works, etc...
3 Revisions
Editable .Ai Design Files
File Format: Ai, jpg, pdf, png, psd, ppt.
Time frame: 1 - 3 weeks.
Description: eBook type of document- A more text-based pdf document with interactive elements, page turning buttons, with a balance of infographics scattered throughout to break up the text. It's like a long infographic with a story wrapped around it. Combination of a white paper, presentation and infographic in a modern, interactive pdf format that can be viewed online, emailed, and printed.
Content criteria: Critical to get the final content written, edited and approved by all required parties before layout. Usually a Powerpoint or Word document to help lay out what the story says as well as where the text and graphics will go.
Lower cost variation: Lower cost for fewer pages (about 12 pages) and fewer graphics.
Higher cost variation: Longer document (24 plus pages) with more custom graphics (special graphics to be created vs. standard charts). Additional cost for extensive changes and for additional creative mockups or major reworking of pages.
Important considerations: Simple, clean, easy-to-read data points. Be sure all data is reviewed by client and internal proofreading sources prior to graphic development to avoid additional charges. Can be created as a text or Word document to spell out the content/data. Keep in mind this is more text-based so you can expect some graphical work to break up the text, but plan on a more 'document-like' presentation.
3 Revisions
Editable .Ai Design Files
File Format: Ai, jpg, pdf, png, psd, ppt.
Time frame: 1 - 3 weeks.
Description: eBook type of document- A combination of infographic(s), white paper or document, and a Powerpoint-like presentation. Created as a high resolution, high quality, interactive, and small sized pdf document that can be viewed online, on all devices- can be printed and emailed. A balanced textual and graphical pdf document with interactive elements, and page turning buttons. It's like a long infographic with a story wrapped around it. Infobriefs are geared more toward less text- maybe a header, subhead, and paragraph or two per page with a series of graphics on each page to help illustrate the story graphically page-by-page.
Content criteria: Critical to get the final content written, edited and approved by all required parties before layout. Usually a Powerpoint or Word document to help lay out what the story says as well as where the text and graphics will go.
Lower cost variation: Lower cost for fewer pages (about 12 pages or less) and fewer or simpler graphics.
Higher cost variation: Longer document (12- 24 plus pages) with more custom graphics (special graphics to be created vs. standard charts). Additional cost for extensive changes and for additional creative mockups or major reworking of pages.
Important considerations: Simple, clean, easy-to-read data points. Be sure all data is reviewed by client and internal proofreading sources prior to graphic development to avoid additional charges. Can be created as a text or Word document to spell out the content/data. Pretend you're creating a high-end Powerpoint presentation with a little text on each page that tells a story- and then an info graphic on each page. You'd spell out what type of info or info-graphic you'd want on each page.
3 Revisions
Editable .Ai Design Files
File Format: Ai, jpg, pdf, png, psd, ppt.
Time frame: 1 - 2 weeks
Description: eBook type of document- a professionally designed graphical document. like a white paper, but with more graphical elements, more color, and more impact to help make the piece more appealing and engaging.
Content criteria: Final, edited, approved content provided by client. It should be very tightly edited and proofed. Graphical requirements need to be indicated or spelled out.
Lower cost variation: Lower cost for simplified version an minimal graphics (2-3 simple charts for example).
Higher cost variation: Additional cost for extensive changes, more graphics, higher end or custom graphics, longer documents.
Important considerations: Make sure to have your original white paper text document proofread, and that all graphics are clearly marked or outlined.
No Revisions
Time frame: 2 - 4 weeks
Description: Essentially an online, interactive, html-based mini website that incorporate graphics, professional design, and online/web technology. It's like a modern interactive infographic-online.
Content criteria: Final, edited, approved content provided by client, including a site map or project layout.
Lower cost variation: Simple graphic with less text and little interaction.
Higher cost variation: Larger, more elaborate web site or online graphic. Lot's of graphics, interaction, navigation, content, etc... also the cost will vary depending on the hosting setup.
Important considerations: You want to create a clean site map or sketch on what type of online graphic you want to create. What you want it to say, how you want it to look, and how the site will be laid out. It's helpful to create a Powerpoint mockup or Photoshop/Illustrator layout. You'll also want to consider where the graphic will be hosted. Think "website" with this option instead of a traditional graphic.
3 Revisions
Editable .Ai Design Files
File Format: Ai, jpg, pdf, png, psd, ppt.
Time frame: 3 - 6 weeks
Description: iPad iBook - interactive eBook. Can be distributed for or through the Apple iBooks store front.
Content criteria: Final, edited, approved content provided by client. Often based on or in conjunction with one of the above project types. The final text and graphics need to be very tightly edited and finalized to avoid expensive changes.
Lower cost variation: Simpler layout with less text and graphics.
Higher cost variation: Longer, more elaborate layout, more text, more graphics, additional editing (it's complex to make edits).
Important considerations: Simple, clean, easy-to-read data points. Be sure all data is reviewed by client and internal proofreading sources prior to graphic development to avoid additional charges. There's a waiting period to get activated on iBooks store. It's really important to nail down everything cleanly before creating the iBook.
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